Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2024, 18:15 Uhr
Group Identity beyond Nationalism. Lessons from National Socialism

Nationalism has been described as an affront to civilised values but now we see it on the rise, once more, around the globe. Drawing on an account of my father’s early life in Frankfurt, and the effect of National Socialism on his family, I will consider the degree to which it is possible to replace, or at least supplement, the appeal of national identity with forms of belonging that draw on other sources of identity.

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Wolff,
Fellow of the British Academy, is the Alfred Landecker Professor of Values and Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford, and President of The Royal Institute of Philosophy, London. His most recent book, co-written with Avner de-Shalit, is City of Equals, Oxford University Press 2024.

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Campus Westend, Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
Casino-Gebäude, Raum 1.801

A cooperation of the Fritz Bauer Institute with the Normative Orders Research Center at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and the Friends’ association Fritz Bauer Institute e.V.


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